..:: Southern Cross Suite + The Art of Universe ::..
Ed has released two new albums digitally.The first one is the symphonic/electronic version of the "Southern Cross Suite" known from the previously released "Piano Works". It consists of 5 parts with a total running time of 1:25:50.

Listen to the album for free on YouTube:
1. Delta Crucis
2. A Crux
3. Mimosa, Be Crux
4. Ga Crux
5. Southern Cross
The second one is a completely new concept album named "The Art of Universe" which is not really an integral part of Ed's "Universe" project but however it has been composed following the same composition rules which Ed had invented for his "Universe" project. So it can be considered as a sort of sister project to his "Universe" symphony.

Listen to the album for free on YouTube:
1. The Art of Universe (Suite)
With "The Art of Universe" Ed challenged himself to combine his own compositions with parts of his role model composer Johann Sebastian Bach, with a focus on Bach's "Die Kunst der Fuge" ("The Art of Fugue").
"The Art of Universe" contains of 16 tracks with a total running time of 26 minutes. When Ed wrote the score to "The Art of Universe" he already had a certain order in his mind which is based on a preliminary sketch. In the sequel Ed recorded the suite in the same order he composed it. While mixing the tracks he got the idea that others can change the order of the tracks and create their own "The Art of Universe".