..:: 20 years StarinkWorld - a "brief" retrospection [2] ::..
At the beginning of 2002 we acquired the top level domain www.starink-world.net for the very first time. At the same time our site became official with the consent of Ed Starink, but still remained a fan page then. However this was and still is a big honour!With all the great information we got directly from Ed we could improve especially the "Biography" section, and we also had a good feeling being on the right track as he liked our website.
Being the only reliable and official source of information about Ed Starink on the internet also led to a certain responsibility towards other fans. We received a lot of requests, questions and remarks from other fans and music interested people. This was a new experience and we tried to manage that as good as we could. But everything good has also a tiny downside. Of course we also received less nice mails from people who disliked the oeuvre of Ed Starink. At that time I was younger and tend to be a bit disputatious, but learned to relax about those comments. We know better!
In 2003 I visited Ed Starink again and especially for this event Ed prepared a special demonstration of the way he works. He prepared a demonstration on the "Overture" (from his 1993 album "The Synthfony Album") to explain how this piece of music is constructed. It was very impressive to see and experience Ed working in his studio.
This visit was also another great opportunity to get more information as well as news from Ed Starink to further improve the official website. 2003 was also the year in which Ed started to compose for his epic "Universe Symphony".
In 2003 the French label Wagram released the compilation "Synthétiseur" with the wellknown cover versions of Ed Starink which again led into many requests for us.
To improve our website and to give our visitors more information and insights we decided to also interview artists who worked with Ed Starink.
The very first of these interviews was my interview with Bernard "Minet" Wantier in January 2004. He is a French musician (drums and singer) and also an actor. Bernard was involved in the production of the "Classical Masterpieces". The reason for that was that Ed moved with his studio to another place and couldn't provide new tracks for a certain time. Thus Arcade decided to hire Bernard for the project. Ed did also the final mix for Bernard's tracks thus they fit to Ed's arrangements. However they never met each other in person.
Another interview was conducted in March 2004 by Glenn Folkvord for the June edition of "electronicshadows", a former online magazine about electronic music. Glenn was so kind and allowed us to publish it also on StarinkWorld.